Saturday, August 4, 2012

No-car zone for 7 miles in Manhattan, today

No-car zone for 7 miles in Manhattan, today.

When I came out for my usual commute, I saw and remembered that today was the day that a 7-mile stretch of Manhattan streets would be off limits to cars. I'm supposed to jump for joy at this... It's cool, I guess, but I actually saw the situation as dangerous (too many bicyclists not enough space) and headed over to the much much less populated bike lane on 1st Avenue. Before I did so, I saw these so-called "cyclo phones."  I wish the photo could have been better. I was in a hurry and wasn't able to wait for the perfect moment when the sign and the cyclo phones were in plainer view. (That darn gal with the stroller.) I knew it would be fruitless to ask people to move on so I could take the shot. For certain, as soon as I would do so someone else would begin to get in the way. There were so many people everywhere... Anyway, these contraptions are propelled by people on bicycles and they make "music."  Looks like a frivolous time waster to me but kinda cool just the same. Peas, Pamela R.